Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011

Broc writing his name in the snow bank in June 2011

Ashtyn and Broc standing on the mirror lake highway road next to the snow bank

Ashtyn standing on the snow

Broc standing on the snow on the side of the highway

Broc and Ashtyn standing next to the Provo River sign at soapstone.

I had to give a talk in sacrament, I am not too good at speaking and I am glad it is over. All of the people are so nice and they always say I enjoyed your talk and such but it never gets easier for me. The topic was prayer and fasting, I learned quite a bit from studying that I plan on using so it was good for me. This afternoon Broc, Ashtyn and I went for a ride in the car up the mirror lake highway, I wanted to see how much snow there still is. At first I thought that we would not find too much. We drove about 28 miles up the canyon and we found a lot of snow the road is not open yet the boys were really excited to see all of the snow on the 26Th of June. I really enjoyed spending time with the boys and showing them the Provo River Falls and being in the mountains. When I was a little girl we would take a ride up the canyon and see the falls it was fun. Jaycee had gone tending for a lady who needed to go to a viewing and Riley has allergies so bad he was not feeling well today. So I took the little boys with me and they had a good time.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Little Buckaroo Princess 2011

Summit County Little Buckaroo Royalty 2011 Jaycee, Makayli, and Grace

Jaycee and her horse Yellow Jacket

Yesterday was the Summit County Queen Contest. There were 7 girls competing for different age groups for Summit County Queen, Little Buckaroo Queen, Princess and Jr. Princess. Jaycee tried out for Princess. She had to model her outfit, give a speech on "Who in Summit County is a Barrel of fun", answer an impromtu question, have an interview and do a pattern on her horse at the arena. Jaycee was crowned the 2011 Summit County Little Buckaroo Princess. Congradulations Jaycee. She improved a lot this year, we had a good time, and now the fun begins. She will be in parades, rodeos and represent Summit County as the Princess for 2011. She received lots of cool prizes. Her and Yellow Jacket will have fun just being cute, so make sure you watch for her.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 2011

Josey and Jaycee being good buds

Ashtyn and Shaylee having fun.

AJay branding and Broc holding

Riley holding the calf down waiting for the shots and iron

This is how I know that spring is on it's way, it is time to brand the calves and get them ready to put on the hill. The kids helped a ton it is good that they are able to help out. Now that they are on the hill it really needs to warm up so that the hay will grow. It snowed today and it is the 29th of May. This is crazy weather cold and wet.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 2011

Two of my cute boys had their birthdays and AJay and I celebrated our 13Th anniversary. Broc turned 9 in February, we had a little party with his buddies at the pool, they all had a great time. We then took him to dinner at Don Pedros' and they sung Happy Birthday to him it was way cute and fun. Ashtyn's birthday was this past Monday and because AJay is working out of town we celebrated it in on Sunday. We got him a bike with training wheels, he is such a smart boy he just jumped on a went zooming around, today he said "K mom you can take off the training wheels I wanna be like Broc". He is amazing!!!
AJay and I also celebrated our 13Th wedding anniversary. I think that it is crazy that we have been married that long. I have to stop and think about it, when I do that then I can see that, yep it has been that long, otherwise it doesn't seem like it. I sure do love him tons and tons and I am so glad that he picked me to be his wife. I love being married to him.
With all of this celebrating, my new journey has not fared to well, so now I will get back to the grind stone and keep trying to do better in my eating choices. I sure craved cake and junk that I have not done to well. I guess all I can do is start again. So tomorrow I will be writing down everything that goes in my mouth and I will be visiting the gym. Spring is coming fast it is way muddy outside but it feels good to be out with the kids getting some much needed exercise outside, I love spring time. The cows are having their cute babies and I love to see them run around and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 2011

February is going GREAT, I got to look at some new numbers which are encouraging because the scale is NOT my friend. Still the scale says down 4.5 pounds which is the same as last month. However, I have lost 2.5 inches at my waist, and 1 inch on my hips and 2 inches on my thigh. GREAT!!! I am so excited. Last weekend AJay and I took the horses for a ride. As I climbed up on my horse my DH said that he can see I am more flexible since I have been on my new journey, cause I could climb up on my horse easier. That is so true it felt great to be on my horse and be so comfortable. Eating better however, has not been so easy I am getting bored and not wanting to cook healthy. So I am going to make that my goal for the rest of the month.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 2011

Well, obviously I have been neglecting my blog account once again, so I guess I will update it a bit now. I can not believe how fast time flies. I decided that I needed to take time to care for myself, so that I felt like taking care of those that I need too. There are so many people who I run into throughout the day, mind you these are people whom I don't even know and they always comment, "When is your baby due." The funnest looks come upon their faces when I tell them that I am not expecting. Well, I finally decided to do something about it and I have a long road ahead of me. As of today four weeks after starting this long journey I have lost 4.5 pounds. Of course that does not sound like a lot but, I figure if I keep going at a poundish a week by the end of this year I can loose 52 pounds. I probably just set myself up for failure but here I go.

I have tried to change my diet and excercise at least 4 times a week, I told my trainer Shauna that I have only lost 4.5 pounds and asked her why. She told me that I am most likely building muscle and so I will be loosing inches that it is not only about the weight. Well wish me luck on my new journey. I am exited about this journey, I already feel like I have more energy. I will keep you posted. luv me