Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Break Cont.

Kids on the gorilla

Kids petting the snake


Jaycee and Ashtyn

Spring Break


Tyler & Ashtyn checkin out a lizard

Ashtyn and Riley

A pretty Peacock

Mother and Baby Elephant
It was Spring break and I took a day off from work and Heidi and I took the kids to the zoo and to Chuck E Cheese. It was a fun day the kids had a good time and were really good. Riley and Jaycee helped a lot with the little boys and we enjoyed our day. Thanks kids for letting me take you to the zoo I loved it so much. I love spending time with you all!

St George

Jaycee and I took a little trip to St. George with my mom. My mom is 1st Vice President of the Utah Fireman's Assocation and she had a meeting there so we went with her. While my mom was at her meeting, Jaycee and I spent time with my Aunt and cousins. At the dinner on Saturday night we went to this guys garage and here are a few cars that Jaycee loved.

Ashtyn's 3rd Birthday

In March Ashtyn turned 3 years old, it is hard to believe how fast he is growing up he is such a funny boy and very busy. We love him so much, he loves his older brothers and sister and wants to be like them and do what they do. Here are some pictures of his birthday, Grandma Kathy made his yummy cake, he loves cake. He always asks her "Grandma will you make me cakes?" Love you Ashy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Broc's Baptism

Here are some cute prictures of Broc that I took of him for his baptism. Broc was baptized by my Uncle Kent who married my sweet Aunt Dolores. He was confirmed by Grandpa Marchant. It was a great day, Broc wants to say thank you to those of you that shared his special day with him. Way to go Broc on becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are so proud of you and love you so much. Keep up the good work.

Monday, March 1, 2010

February 2010

Well Feburary was fun and exciting. Riley took 5th place in divisonals this year, he wrestled 215 and did very well for his first year, he does not weigh 215 he usually wrestled 189 but his coach asked him to go up so they could have two varisty teams. He made it to the state tournament this year!! Riley was up against mostly Juniors and Seniors at the weight of 215, so even though he did not place at state I was really proud of him. I think that he liked it alot and wants to keep going. He lettered as a freshman in wrestling, Yay Riley.

February 26, 2010 was Broc's 8th birthday, we had a birthday party in the snow and he and his friends went snowmobling in the fields behind our house, they had tubes and snowboards, we ate pizza and drank hot chocolate. It was very fun.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

JaNaUaRy 2010

Well it is the last day of the month, so I thought I better take a few minutes and post an enrty. We went to church this morning and I wonder if Ashtyn is ever going to be nice. He finally got the picture that you only take one peice of bread and not a handful, but today he got away from me and started running through the chapel. He ran up the ramp to the front he was very loud, how embrassing for me, people are so kind and just smile. I apologize to the Eastin's for the disruption. I took him home after that and stood him in the corner all the while he is yelling "go back to church, go back to church." Maybe next week will be better.
Broc and Jaycee have been playing basketball and having a fun time doing so. They are really improving, Jaycee plays Jr Jazz and because of the way they do it here she plays on a boys team. There is her and another girl on her team. The boys are so nice to them but you can tell they get frustrated when she doesn't do it just right. But she has fun playing. Broc is pretty good at basketball and he has a fun time playing as well. Riley is wrestling still, two more weeks and it will be done. He has really improved and is getting the mat time that he needs to learn. The team has done really good this year hopefully they can take state in a couple of weeks, we will have to see. AJay is busy with the cows and enjoying it so much, we should start calving in a month or two I can't wait to see the new babies. This year will be a little different for me, he has taken the cows out to the desert so I won't get to see them everyday. Next month is Broc's 8th Birthday I can hardly believe that he is getting so old. He is a little nervous about getting baptized and I am worried that he may say no. He just does not like to do things that are out of the ordinary. (Broc says: me and jaycee laft at it.) He is referring to Ashy running through the chruch. Naughty Naughty Broc.