Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Retirement Party

Today was quite the day at work, we had a retirement party for my boss Judge Lynn Sadler retired today. We had an open house for him and many people attended. When it was over and he was getting ready to leave the Justice Center it was bitter sweet. I am going to miss him so much. He is a very kind and understanding person and an Awesome Judge. Good luck to him, his wife and family.

We don't have a new judge yet though so things are going to be a little hecktic until they find someone to fill his spot. We will be using fill in judges for a while. It is going to be really crazy.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January update

Well it is the middle part of January 2009. I am still trying to get things done at home. I guess it is an on going project a work in progress. We lost another dog this past week. On mother border collie Missy got ran over. It was a sad time once again at our house, silly dog just went out in the road in the middle of the night. We still have one of her pups her name is Sage she is a good dog, we do miss our other dogs though. Jaycee told me that she wanted to move that she did not want to live near the highway anymore, but I told her that we had to live here and we just need to think about the good times with our good dogs.

Riley has been wrestling he is pretty tough. He started a couple of weeks ago even though the season is nearly over. He is having a good time and can't wait to learn enough moves that he can actually pin someone. His coach says he is going to be really good if he just stays with it. His football coach is real happy to see him out there. State is the end of January in Richfield so we will be going down there to attend.

Jaycee had her first basketball game today she had a real good time out there, she likes basket ball. Broc and Ashtyn are having fun watching the kids in their sports. Maybe they are learning lots of stuff for when they are old enough. Well that is about all that is going on around here. Hope all is going well for everyone.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cold, Snow, and Sports

Well it is snowing again, but I will take the snow over the bitter cold any day. This past weekend it was 18 below that is way cold and it cuts right through you. Broc has been having tons of fun on his sled he plays and plays with it. He and Jaycee went over to my consins house and they pulled them behind the snowmobile and had a good time. Ashy says the snow is to cold for him, he likes to touch it for a minute, but then his hand gets to cold and he doesn't like it to much. Jaycee is starting Jr Jazz this week she is looking forward to using the skills that Aunt Ali taught her at basketball camp. She will be way good. Broc can not wait til he is old enough to play. Riley has been wrestling and he is enjoying it, but I am not sure why. He thinks that it is fun, I guess it keeps him in shape for his number one love (football)!!!!

From: Broc is having fun at school with his friends that are Ethan S., Hunter A. and Malaki C. Broc is way excited for his seventh birthday which is February 26th. jghjgj by Broc ;)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 2008

I have decided to try the blogspot instead of the free webs. I see how most people use blogspot and I like the way that it looks. I am going to see of I can transfer my other blog materials to this site and close the other one. Today I have been cleaning up a huge mess that has just been taking over my dining area. Our house is a little small for us and so tons of things just get put in a pile and over the time the pile has just grown out of control. I decided that with the new year strarting that it is a good as time to tackle this project. I am so scared to throw away anything just on the chance that I might need it, but here I go. I vist the Flylady website a lot and I need to take her advice and hope it will make our home life a little brighter. I wish I had tons of time to devote on my house, but I guess a little time each day is better than nothing. I started painting our living room last November I have many projects at home going all at one time, I must be crazy. Wish me luck it my new tasks.